Enter the Pain

Pain does not really have an 'ugly head'. We say that pain rears its ugly head simply because pain is (in most cases) not a pleasant experience. However, pain is just another emotional red flag, another physical or physiological function of the body to let us know that something ain't right!
This is true. Well, if you read the last post, you know that I have a beautiful relationship with my true Self, my essence. But, as a mere human who is not fully-realized, I also experience all five functions of Shiva (click here if you are not familiar with the five functions; if you have no idea what I'm talking about; if you once knew but have since forgotten; or if you merely want to read a post from my early archives. Whatever floats your boat keeps you afloat, and that's fine with me.)
Don't ask.
Getting back to my point, Shiva is the Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer, The One who veils us from the Truth, and the Bestower of Grace. These are his five functions. Thank God, I do not spend a lot of my time with the veil of ignorance over my head, so to speak. I am usually privy to the wondrous source of Bliss and Joy that is contained within the depths of my Heart Center. Yet, last night I had a terrible case of deception. I couldn't find my 'center' because I was too busy chasing my tail. I was so unbalanced that I didn't even realize that I was chasing my tail!
I let myself get a bit overwhelmed with my current situation (being out of work, my health, etc.). Rather than checking in to see how I was doing both physically and mentally, I kept pushing forward--knowing that I needed to meet certain deadlines and attend certain meetings that I wasn't looking forward to participating in. Lot's of anxiety was coming up. I could feel it brewing in the pit of my stomach. Nevertheless, I didn't stop to meditate, to figure out where I needed to be paying attention to the pent up tension in my body so that I could release it.
Well, last night I got totally overwhelmed. For the life of me, I could not find my center. This is a terribly awful place to be; especially when you KNOW that the current anxiety and tension is all a state of mind. Actually, it is all created by the mind, but takes on physical traits when not given attention at the onset. I cried a lot--which is actually a very important way to release toxins. However, I woke up with the pit of my stomach still tied into knots, and my chest was tight as hell.
I went for a walk this morning, and felt the onset of a panic attack. I felt sweaty and faint. Oh, man! I thought. How did I let myself get this out of control? I haven't had a panic attack in YEARS! I stopped exactly where I was on the sidewalk; listened to the voice in my head (You're going to faint! Better call someone!); then I turned around and took a shorter route home. I counted every step:
Inhale for four steps...1..2..3..4..
Hold breath for four steps...1..2..3..4..
Exhale for four steps...1..2..3..4...
Hold breath for four steps...1..2..3..4..
After doing about three rounds of this walking meditation, I was feeling much better. You see, the reason I was getting the panic attack symptoms were because I was so anxious that I was holding my breath (or, at the most, I was taking shallow breaths). I walked through the parking lot of a local church, and thanked God for helping me. I turned around to take one more look at the church, and discovered the moon out in full daylight, seeminly hanging right above the cross. Om Guru Om!
After I ate my lunch, I emailed my friend Sally, just to tell her how I was feeling. I was sick of identifying with the physical body and the pain. She told me to love myself. This was profound. She also reminded me of a very simple meditation technique to release the anxiety--or any other junk that was stuck in my body. Of course, I followed her advice and had a wonderful meditation. At first it didn't feel too wonderful! I sat on my cushion, did my formal prayers, and then sat. I just sat and simply felt the state of my physical body. I was so tense! I focused on the parts of the body that were filled with tension, breathed into those areas, and then-- on the out-breath-- released the tension. I wondered how long it had been since I actually checked in to witness the state of my body and mind.
I ended up repeating one of my favorite mantras, too. I let myself sing the mantra in any way that felt appropriate. After about 75 minutes, I was totally in peace. I could feel 'Aum', the primordial sound, reverberating in my body as I sang the mantra.
In closing, I would like to offer you this: You can't run from your pain. You have to deal with it when it rears its beautiful head. Pain is an indication that something is a bit off. Something needs attention. It's very important to check in with ourselves to see how we are doing. And, as Sally says, we need to do this breathing out the tension meditation repeatedly.
I thank Sally for being there for me, and always offering me her love and support and her infinite wisdom. And I thank all of you who have offered your good wishes and prayers.
tags: jaibhakti, Sally Kempton, meditation, pain management, spirituality
Labels: Bhakti Brophy, bliss, chronic pain, dealing with chronic pain, jaibhakti, jaibhakti blog, japa, mantra, meditation for pain, nataraj, peace, Raja Yoga, severe pain, Shakti, Shiva, yoga
I really enjoyed reading what you had to write and some of the quotes you have in you blog :)
You better come over for coffee and potatoes tomorrow.....that will make the pain go away!!
Hope you are feeling better!! The kiddies miss you!! (and me too!)
You can run from your pain, you can even run from your past. But you can't run from the IRS.
Pain is an indication that something is a bit off. Something needs attention.
this is very true. When we learn to listen to our bodies, we can figure out what pain is trying to tell us.
Hope you feel better. Just be sure to drink lots of water and do some exercise that will relieve stress. Sounds to me like you're under a great deal of stress right now.
No matter how good you make it sound, I do not like pain. & do all I can to avoid it. Yes, like the IRS, too.
Now if you lived closer you could have popped over for a cup of tea! Do you have any tea? Make sure you have some tea - it will compliment the meditations :)
Pleased you are in a better place today and try not to worry (I know - easier said than done!)
Were you trying to get to CC's house???? Sounds like you were almost there!!
MISS A: 'Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again! :)
CC: I'll come over for tea and potatoes. I'm laying off the coffee for awhile. Thanks for leaving a comment! And, thanks for the invite, too! :)
GYROBO: You can't run from the IRS???? Darn, I might as well just take back these new running shoes I bought...
ZOMBIESLAYER: You are correct. I am under stress. And, like Sally suggested, I need to listen to the story that I am telling myself about my current situation.
You are extremely insightful: I love that about you!! Have a great day, you Zombie Killa.
L>T I just LOVE your comments! You always make me smile. Thank you. Thank you. And, Thank you!!!!!
MILADYSA: You may not believe this, but when I awoke this morning I thought to myself--"I think I'll ask Milady and Sir Hubby if they would like to come over for dinner tonight." Then, I had a little chuckle envisioning myself renting the Concord for you two to use as transportation. Then, I remembered the Concord is no longer in use, and my dream was shattered. Oh well, it's the thought that counts!! It's so beautiful that you had a similar idea!! :)
CC--I WAS contemplating stopping by your house; however, I was in a God awful mood and I only had my sunglasses (Don't you hate when I stop by for a couple of hours and have to wear my sun glasses in the house --because they're prescription glasses?) Thanks for the invite: I'll see you tomorrow, for sure! :)
and pain
(pump pump pump pump pump it up)
like sunshine
a) Spain
b) Jane
c) Wolfsbane
I hope you're feeling better JB.
Sometimes anxiety attacks, though unpleasant, provide just the amount of disorientation needed to help us break on through to a new level of...BIONIC DANGER MISSION!
"Let your mind drop like a stone through bottomlessness"
ROB BASE: You're a groovy cat, for sure! Thanks for hitting the Jai--pump it up--Bhakti household with your phat beats.
The rain in Spain falls gently on the plain...or some absurd thingy like that.
FLATFINGER 007: You are TOO funny. I often forget about the bionicals in my neck. The more I forget about my true bionical nature, the worse things seem to fall apart. I need to call Dr. Rudy Wells and see if he can crank up the bionics and maybe add some to my membrane.
Well said, Flatbutt. It's always a pleasure doing business with ya!
bytheway, "Let your mind drop like a stone through bottomlessness"
Is this your quote?? Or is it from a song. Do tell. Beautiful.
Thanks for making me smile, Flatlander. You rock. Even more than Rob Base...you rock the break beats all over their jive. Right on!
Pain Pain ,
Ure Brain's Stain ,
Go Away Go Away ,
and Dont come Again , Again .
if u do , then it may require "me"
show u who bhakti is , and how wonderful a blog's THIS .
Sally sounds like a terrific person. I hope we all have somebody like her in our life.
Bang! Boom! Now I'm a sociologist. I surmise that your reluctance to digiform your sock drawer is related to your inability to recite the alphabet as it was intended- backwards, and in numerical order.
BOOTCAT: Thank you for giving the pain a piece of your mind!!
FRED: Yes, that is my wish, too. Thank you for visiting...and come back again...I'm not always in a funk! (I'm not now, actually!)
GYROBO: What the hell are you talking about????
Actually, you may be on to something. My sock drawers contains about twenty black socks--none of which make a pair!!! Blasphemy!
I like the image of pain as a tick--if you don't take care of it, it'll come back. I've never done the type of meditation you do. When I feel anxiety creeping on, I generally try to take a walk (hike, ski, etc). I'm glad you found your center again. blessings.
Wise words. Healing and wholeness come only after self-realization and focus. Right?
I take it by now you can't live without an occasional blast of Roboshrubbery. Therefore, my latest post should delight and destroy.
Psychic powered nucleons articulate within the brime.
SAGE: Thank you. :)
SANDY: Healing and wholeness come only after self-realization and focus. Right?
I don't know. I think they only come once a person accepts themselves and loves themselves 100%.
It has been my experience that healing and wholeness occur during meditation. That is, there is no pain, only the perfected wholeness of the Self.
GYROBO: Yes, you are correct. I miss my daily dose of Roboshrubbery! :)
What would I do without my little metal guy to brighten my day??? :)
Anxiety attacks, nervous breakdowns … I have witnessed a few. Most people feel scandalized at the thought of losing control, especially in public. I beg to differ. I prefer the term ‘nervous breakthrough’ because your body is telling you that it can no longer bear the pressure of what the mind perceives as paramount. It is time to change horses, even in mid-stream, and the experience may seem like drowning … but then so does birth.
Usually this is a result of the psychological stress and supposed responsibilities that the mind is too stubborn to let go of until the body demands it. Your situation is different. Your stress is real … an imposed physical condition that sometimes gets the upper hand in an arm wrestling tango of will. It is tangible, as palpable as pain. The sense of futility this engenders is in a constant battle for supremacy with the sheer joy of existence. Crying allows you to exorcise this futility and relieve the strain of resistance. You must first realize that you are in a battle before you can win the battle, and nothing emphasizes that as losing a skirmish or two. The skies must darken a bit before the sun can dazzle us with its brilliance.
JOHNNY: And this is why I love you like a brother. You are my love, my friend; a kindred spirit that has realigned itself with me in this lifetime. I love you.
I was once a follower of the Great Shiva. Until the principles of Kopqor changed my ways.
The Principles of Kopqor:
1. Eat Cheese Twice Daily.
2. Repeat Step 1.
3. Repeat Step 2.
4. Abandon your wallet at 328 Lincoln Road, Salt Lake City UT.
CABE: Ahhh...Where have you been???
Glad you are back!
Anyway, regarding the cheese--if you eat that much cheese then I would expect step #4 to be 'Buy some Exlax' or 'prunes', no??
And, regarding leaving my wallet at your doorstep (assuming, of course, that this is your address...maybe not)--I have to, once again, quote Frank Zappa:
"There's a BIG difference between kneeling and bending over."
In other words, you--nor any other organized religion--is getting my entire wallet. Besides, I don't carry a wallet. I keep my money dispursed in different pockets of different pieces of clothing--usually losing it, only to find it in the washing machine, nice an clean, of course. It's good to have clean money, don't you think??
I'm not talking about 'money laundering', either. I'm talking about 'laundering money'; there's a big difference.
Thanks for your insites. I'll go eat some cheese now. :P
I just read the comment that I wrote to Cabe and laughed aloud. Is that weird?
Anonymous said to come over for coffee and potatoes. Hmmm...NO COFFEE for you after what you went through! Wow, I thought you were away for some time and then I came to your blog and I have to catch up.
I hope you're feeling better. Anxiety is awful, isn't it? And you're absolutely right--we forget to breathe. How does that happen?
My prayers and thoughts are with you.
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