So, why am I posting about CB's?
The other day, my mother was kind enough to drive me to Barnes and Noble (bookstore) to have a look around and purchase some Christmas gifts. After about two hours in the store, I was ready to go home . My mother was still looking around the music section (I made the mistake of showing her the new Brian Setzer CD's. She had to listen to every snippet of every song!) I was walking out of the music section when I noticed this new CBGB's book. I decided to look through it since I did a lot of photo shoots there. I wanted to see if the Turbo AC's had made it into the book (I shot their first CD cover). I was getting towards the back of the book, when I came upon two photographs of the Joey Ramone Shrine that was left by his fans right after he passed away in 2001. (Joey Ramone was the lead singer of the Ramones.) I looked at the photos and thought to myself, "Wow, these look like the photos I took the day after Joey died." Then, I caught a glimpse of the photo credit on the bottom of the page, and, low and behold, there was MY NAME! These WERE my photos! I remember that my photo agency, Retna, had sold the Joey Ramone Shrine photos I took, but I thought they only appeared in Rolling Stone and New York Magazine.
When I saw my name in the book, I yelled "OH MY GOD!!!!" Of course, everyone standing near me stopped and stared; my mom came running over to me. She was so proud. We each bought a copy of the book. I'll cherish mine forever, if only because the Ramones were my favorite band in high school, and I'm really happy that I was able to honor Joey when he died. When I lived in the East Village, NYC, I would often see Joey 'cause we both ate breakfast at the same joint. He was very kind. I always wished the Ramones had seen the same kind of commercial success that rip-off bands like Green Day are experiencing to this day. I am a fan of Green Day, but they wouldn't have their sound if the Ramones hadn't existed. Most neo-punk bands wouldn't. Long live the Ramones!
My spread in the new CBGB's book.
photos ©D.L. Brophy
tags: music, entertainment, photography, ramones
One day I hope to see MY work ripped off and used without my knowledge.
Seriously, that's just a great thing to happen.
Actually, my little metal guy, my work wasn't ripped off. When I left my photography career behind, I gave all of my work to my photo agency, Retna NY and London. They are free to sell my work where ever they want (with some restrictions, of course). I make 50% of whatever they sell.
I was paid for the use of my photos in this book. However, when I receive my royalties, the check stub will usually say, "Joey Ramone Shrine" and then whoever the publisher is. It wouldn't necessarily tell me that is was published in a book. Or which book, for that matter.
It's very cool to see my work out there. I've actually made more money reselling my work than I did when I was a working photographer!!
Hey Bhakti - You're linked at my site! Thanks for asking! I enjoy your blog and read all the time!
Bhakti, that you?
Did you get that thing I sent ya?
Yes I did, Sir Hippo. How did you know I was in the market for a new Jag?
Wow! How cool! Congrats.
This is about the coolest thing I've seen all night! Way to go getting that photocredit. I'm going to go check out the book tomorrow! YIPPEEEE!
Oh, forgot to mention, I've proudly linked you up! Love your blog.
Whow! Congratulations :)
SANDY: Thank you!
MILADYSA: Thank you!
Wow---that is awesome!!! I can't believe that you didn't know your photos were published. Don't you get some sort of royalty for them? You should look into that. What an honor!
The Ramones were one of the last "good" bands ever! I love them. It's so great that you got to take photos of them.
Hey Deb!
Yes, the Ramones were my favorite band in high school. I got to meet them on my first trip into the city (I was 16). They were totally blitzed out, walking down Broadway right by eighth street. I think Joey and Johnny were actually sort of carrying Dee Dee. He couldn't walk by himself! What a site! Made me say "NO" to drugs, for sure!!
Always good to see you, deary!
Happy goodday!
12 29 05
Hello Bhakti. Per your request, the link to your blog on my sidebar has been removed. I am sorry you got so upset and misunderstood the very purpose of my post. I responded to your comments on my blog. I won't link to your posts nor post here again, as you so wish. But I would encourage you to work on your temper and reading comprehension because if you really read what I wrote you would see how twisted you got it. Lastly, I can cite anyone's work I wish to cite, so long as I give them credit. The ONLY thing I did was link to your article and employ the concept of purple, hence I was well within my rights to do so.
Despite your harsh and mean spirited words, I will still pray for your physical healing. Good bye now.
But I would encourage you to work on your temper and reading comprehension because if you really read what I wrote you would see how twisted you got it.
Can anyone say 'scathing'?
I understand that you were applauding my words in your post, however, I do NOT want my work to be associated with political blogs point fingers at any other party.
The comments that you received on the post we are referring to (not my comments) show the EXACT ideology that I loathe.
If you thought my words were scathing (they weren't written with that intent in mind), try reading your post prior to where you mention my blog. It's rather scathing. In fact, it's much more scathing than anything that I ever wrote.
This is a matter of taste. You know I loathe political sites that insite hatred for the opposing ideologies.
If my loathing of political mud-slinging is a problem, then it's best that we have parted ways.
That is the coolest thing! Congratulations....I would have been ecstatic too!
Very cool, congratulations! I've come across my name a few times in footnotes of a few obscure books, but never anything this exciting! Now, I'll have to check out Barnes and Nobles the next time I'm near one...
that`s awesome. congrats!
Now you are truly ready- to disco!
WOW! Congratulations on being published and finding it accidentally!
Happy New Year!
We used to do I Wanna Be Sedated as a cover. Loved the Ramones. Sorry, but I hate Green Day. They're like Joey's retarded brother.
Two big regrets in life are I never saw The Ramones or Queen live. Yeah, I know it's weird putting the Ramones and Queen in the same sentence, but those were the two bands I never saw live that I regret not seeing live.
I knew I missed something from your post. I didn't notice the caption under that photo. That was your shot. :)
Very nice shot.
Twenty twenty four hours ago
I wanna be sedated
Nothing to do nowhere to go-oh-oh
I wanna be sedated
Just put...
Okay, I'll shutup.
The Ramones are my son's (age 13) favorite band. I you look in my flicker files, you'll see him with a Ramones T'shirt of several he owns. He's a rabid Ramones lover, just like his mum!
Michele sent me.
Bhakti, I came upon your blog because you left a message on one of my photos. I couldn't stop reading. I was especially intrigued with the CBGB story because I bought my son that book for Christmas! Congratulations on your success! I will stop by and visit often...Your blog is put together very well!
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