"?Como Estas?" or Drowsy's In Da House!

I thought I would share my funniest Christmas story with you; 'tis the season and all, right? My father tells this story the best, but since he's not here right now, and it would take him an hour and a half to type the title, I've decided it would be in the best interest of everyone involved if I just give you my second-hand version. (Let me give you a visual of my dad typing: Let's say he's typing the word 'all'. It would take him twenty minutes to find the "a", twenty minutes to find the first "l", and then another ten minutes to remember where the darn "l" was that he just typed a second ago.)
It was 1971, I was almost three years old, which means I was probably just about starting to speak fluent English, as kids growing up in a third generation American family tend to do at that age. This Christmas was different from any Christmas I'd ever experienced before because it was the first time I ever asked for anything in particular from Santa, not for lack of wanting, I'm sure, just for lack of speaking.
My parents were really cool because not only did I get to ask Santa for some gifts, but I also got to ask my mom and dad for one special gift, just from them! My father says that all I kept asking for was Drowsy. She's the lovely doll (pictured above) in the pink with white polka-dotted outfit. She has a rather large dome-shaped head, and I don't know who the heck gave her that God-awful haircut, but I wanted her, nonetheless. Actually, she's quite adorable with her frilly, lace collar and all, but I know for a fact that those weren't the reasons why I wanted her so badly. I wanted Drowsy because when you pulled the string that more-or-less came out of her buttocks, she would talk to you! That was amazing technology back then, to be sure.
So, the only thing little Bhakti wanted for Christmas from her loving parents was Drowsy; that's it. That's all my parents and two brothers heard about for at least two or three weeks leading up to Christmas that year. "Me want Drowsy! Me want Drowsy!" etc., etc.
On Christmas Eve, in the year of 1971, my father looked at my mother and said, "Oh my gosh! We forgot to get Drowsy!" My mother said that my father busted out the phone book and called every store in town. No one had even ONE Drowsy (she must have been all the rage that year!). The local K-mart told my dad to go to another K-Mart located about a half-hour away; they had a lot of them left! This made my dad very happy. He proudly fired up his black Ford truck and drove over to K-Mart in Dover, NJ (anyone who lives in or around Dover probably knows where I'm going with this!!). I can just see him, the proud father driving out to K-Mart in the middle of the night (my mother say's it was close to midnite!) to get his baby girl the Drowsy doll she's wanted for ages.
Apparently, when he arrived at the K-Mart in Dover, there were, in fact, about thirty Drowsy's left on the shelf. My father grabbed one, paid for it, and drove home. He sat at the table and got ready to wrap her up. He pulled the string:
Drowsy: "Quiero una bebida de agua!"
Dad: "What the %&#*! Honey, come here! This thing doesn't work!!!" No wonder there were so many of them left!! Damn thing is broken!"
Mom: (She pulls the string)
Drowsy: "Quiero bañarse!"
Mom: ('Looks at Drowsy, perplexed.) "Oh well. We really should have bought her earlier!"
Dad: "Just give her to me. Bhakti won't know the difference. She's just starting to talk anyway."
My dad wrapped the present and then put it under the tree. My parents went to bed and waited in anticipation for Santa to visit us that night.
The next morning, I awoke and found my Drowsy doll. I remember carrying her around for YEARS. And, thanks to her, I was fluent in Spanish by age four!
The thing that cracks me up the most about this story is that my dad thought Drowsy was broken. Picturing my dad as the Archie Bunker that he is makes it even more hysterical!
Click here to read about all things Drowsy!
Thank you for reading, and Happy Holidays!!
tags: humor, Christmas, Dolls
That's so sweet!
You were just ahead of your time. Now they have Dora the Explorer dolls that teach kids Spanish.
I wonder if the Spanish version speaks English? ;)
Everybody has that present they had to have. At least you got yours. Who knew the Drowsy people had multilingual dolls.
Feliz Navidad!!! LOL
This year my youngest daughter begged for a Furbie...hope it speaks English, but if not...muy bien, y tu?
Michele sent me to visit you, Bhakti.
Your poor Father. I can just imagine your parents realizing at the last minute they forgot the doll. And with you having been reminding them in your sweet 3 year old way for weeks!
I'm glad it worked out well and it's also so hard to imagine a time when we here in the US were blissfully unaware of Spanish!
Awww, that is sweet - and well hilarious. ;)
What a cute story - and yes, as tshsmom said - you were ahead of your time.
Haha, I love that story!!!
Especially the part where your dad thought the doll was broken!
Wonderful story! Your "broken" doll served a purpose. Visiting from Michele's.
What a great story!!!!!
I love this story...It's so very dear in EVERY way...You por Dad, trying to find 'L's and then thinking this doll was broken! Great!
And A Very Merry Christmas to youy, too!
I'm here from the WONDERFUL Michele, tonight!
That's hilarious! Glad I came by via Michele's.
lol..that`s a sweet and funny story! your dad is a lovely man :)
that is one of the best stories I've read in a long time, thanks for sharing. I can see myself in your father's truck, frantically trying to get the doll. And his astomishment at it being in Spanish. Blessings.
Evil Robo-Bob Dole has no need of stuffed animals. Evil Robo-Bob Dole prefers live entertainment.
Does not compute.
Such a fun story, thanks for sharing!
Here via Michele's!
Great story! Did I read this right, you still have the doll?
I really enjoyed this story .. and I can see why it's a family favorite. You father was very speical indeed!
Believe it or not, Bhakti...MICHELE SENT ME!!!
Yeah, yesterday's Meet & Greet is still functioning! HOORAY!
That is such a cute story Bhakti. Sorry I haven't been around in a while. Bloody school was kicking my arse. Anyhow,
happy Holidays to you as well!!
My gods! Do you still have every toy you were ever given? All I ever saved was Dr. Ducky Puddles (don't ask, man!), and that's only because my mom would kill me if I got rid of him. So he's stuck in the upper left corner of the closet at my folks' place, where he's been for the last 20-some years.
BTW, wtf is a "domb?"
Ah Espanol, the second easiest language to learn, and the hardest to understand.
Wow, your audience is over 90% women.
Dad: "Just give her to me. Bhakti won't know the difference. She's just starting to talk anyway."
That's just so classic Dad. it's such a Dad line.
That haircut is awful. I'm surprised they sold that many dolls with a haircut like that. I don't remember those.
Cute story.
CABE: Oh...90% women? I guess that's why you came back to visit, then, huh? ;)
ZOMBIESLAYER: Yes, that was a classic Dad line. My dad is the classic dad...that with a little Archie Bunker thrown in! (Although he's not as racist as Archie.)
Hi Bhakti,
Stumbled across your blog when doing research on love spells. Read a few posts, so thought I'd say hi. Thanks for the read! :)
Me. -- !These free witch craft love spells got my love back!
What did you think when everyone else had a doll that spoke English?
How sweet was that story? I have to say- I think my sister had this doll! I remember the weird 'look' of this doll. I can't believe it spoke Spanish! ha! Hysterical! That's one way to learn.
I absolutely enjoy your writing! So entertaining!
Wait- I just remembered something, I used to have this doll that spoke randomly when he got old. (Guess the batteries started to go flippy) But it was at midnight and he went off saying things in a demon-like way. REAL creepy.
EMPRESS BAGGIE: Sorry 'bout the Diet Coke up the nose! (uh...that didn't sound too good...)
BILL: Yo no say!?
DEB: Yes, Drowsy was a bit odd looking, however, I loved her so much. Perhaps she's the ultimate reason I've learned to accept everyone, no matter what they look like. Darn, I used to think it was my spiritual inclinations that gave me such an open mind; looking back, it probably WAS Drowsy!!
And...I think perhaps you had the original Chucky doll???
Awwww....this story is the personification of what Christmas is supposed to be about.
Pure unadulterated LOVE.
Thank you for sharing! :-)
Merry Christmas Bhakti and all the best for the New Year!
I had a Drowsy Doll! Loved the story!
LISA: Yes...my dad is an Archie Bunker type of guy, but at heart, he's just a wonderful man who would give anything to his family to make them happy. I'm very lucky that he is my father!
MILADYSA: Happy Holidays to you, too! And please give Sir Hubby a hug and tell him that your blogger buddy from New Jersey thanks him SO much for taking care of our beautiful SA! Your heart of gold is such a gift to this world!!
LEESA: OH MY GOSH! (Did you happen to read the comments on Deb's "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" post? I'm so busted!!) Well, I guess my Christmas wish came true!! ;)
EDDIE: I'm so embarrassed to even admit this, but my father tells me that everything in this post is accurate except the store that he found Drowsy at was actually TWO GUYS and not K-Mart. I didn't change the story because I figured Two Guys is outta business, and K-Mart somehow seems cool, now that Wal-hell, I mean Wal-mart is around. Oooh, I'm getting cranky!
Happy Holidays, Eddie!! :)
Shop smart; shop S-Mart. You got that?!
(Name that movie and win a shout-out on Alex's naughty blog.)
Army of Darkness.
Oh Yeah! A BIG shout out to Bhakti on your...well, let's just say there's a reason I don't link to it on my site! ;)
My site is perfectly suitable for all ages, and is never disrespectful towards women, minorities, or female minorities!
It's not disrespectful, however, it is not within the boundaries of what I would call 'deemable for a fourth grade teacher to promote'; nor would I appreciate my nieces or nephews to link to it.
It's an adult site. Nuff said.
p.s. I loved what you wrote on Deb's site! That was beautiful!!
Pfft... adulthood is a state of mind. I'm [censored] years old, and I still consier myself a child. And that means, by your definition, I am too young to visit my own blog!
You can Pfft...all you want.
At least I'm a child in the Tao-ist sense (as you've said yourself!) and not in the TRUE-ist sense! Doh!
Thank you. I aim to remain a child forever. =)
I sure HOPE so! You always make me laugh!! :)
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