Saturday, December 24, 2005
Recent Ramblings
- A ZEN KOAN For You To Wrap Around You Brain
- Open Thread #1
- "?Como Estas?" or Drowsy's In Da House!
- NON Memories
- Potatoes For Pagans
- A Poem By HAFIZ (1320-1389)
- PASAYADAN: "The Gift of Divine Grace"
- The Moon
- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...
- Some Thoughts On Happiness
"Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that; it lights the whole sky. -Hafiz

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"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it's not open." -Frank Zappa

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!!
I don't even know if you celebrate Christmas, but really I'm wishing you peace and love and joy :-)
Blessings on you and all you love,
P.S. Sorry I haven't e-mailed back's getting so hectic here!! I haven't forgotten though!
Yes, I celebrate Christmas. I am a great devotee of Jesus H. Christ. He's the man. As you can see, I embrace everyone's religions, so long as it leads them to the Truth within their own hearts!
Much love to you, Lisa.
Happy Christmas!!
Enjoy the season. May your stocking be filled with whatever wishes you've shared with Santa. Blessings.
bhakti, I read the trial by Kafka. It was a long time ago, tho. I believe it had something to do with a lady that lived next door. A mix-up of course. He was misunderstood like in the whole book. It was never fully explained (go Figure)Do you want to know the ending?
Happy Holidays!!
H? Whats the H stand for?
SAGE: right back at ya! ;)
L>T: No, I don't want to know the ending. I'll probably try to read it again. It was a terribly laborious endeavor, trying to read that novel. However, there was something appealing about it. Thanks for offering! Happy Christmas!
CABE: My grandfather always used to say Jesus H. Christ!!!! when he was upset about something. That was his expletive of choice. I always thought it was a funny thing to say. As if adding the H. made it so that he wasn't taking the Lord's name in vain!
Anyway, I had a boyfriend in art school named Greg who used to say Jesus H. Christ, too. Apparently, that was HIS father's swear of choice, too. We used to say that Jesus's father had a carpentry truck that had a sign on the door that read "Joseph H. Christ and Son Carpentry".
Does that answer your question?
I have no idea what the H. stands for. Like I inferred above, perhaps people thought it was a more polite way of taking the Lord's name in vain.
The "H" stands for Harold. That was his middle name.
And his nickname was "Tap Dancing".
"H stands for 'Harold' as in Harold be thy name"! LOL! TOo funny, Gyrobo.
I don't get the tap dancing joke! Flew right over my head like a boeing 764
Did you get that thing....
I sent you?
PINK HIPPO IN A DRESS: No killing of GYROBO will ever occur as long as I am alive, and I don't believe that death exists, so you are SOL, my friend!
Merry Christmas - or whatever you celebrate, Bhakti! I love that kitty of yours.
Merry Christmas Bhakti!!!!
12 26 05
Hey Bhakti Happy Holidays to you too! I invoked your red and blue makes purple post for the current post. Have a nice New Year:)
awww..what an adroable picture. hope you had a wonderful christmas :)
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