CAT OF THE MONTH: Kotek Klopotek

"Kotek Klopotek"
Kotek Klopotek is an aging cat with Russian Blue heritage. His name means "little cat trouble" in Polish, and when he was younger he lived up to the monikor. Nowadays, he mostly sleeps on the kitchen chair, or loiters around the refrigerator hoping for a morsel to appear in his bowl.
One night, about two years ago, he started to choke on something. I had fed him a chicken bone a little earlier, and was worried that he had got a splinter lodged in his throat. We didn't have enough money to take him to vet, and it was the middle of the night, so we thought that perhaps he had reached the end of his ninth life. However, he made it through the night and stopped choking. After the incident he ate normally but couldn't meow properly--it just came out as a kind of muted squeak.
One day when I was petting kotek, I noticed a lump on the side of his throat. I figured that it might have been the chicken bone, still lodged there. Of course, this whole time I was feeling extremely guilty for feeding him the bone in the first place, but we still didn't have any money to take him to the vet.
A couple months after that, when I felt for the lump in his throat, I was startled to feel something sharp and metallic sticking out the side of his neck. Upon further inspection I found that, just like Frankenstein, he had some sort of screw sticking out just under his jaw! Somehow the cat had eaten a screw; it had lodged in his throat and then started to work its way out.I decided that at this point, since he had gone about four months with the screw in his neck, I would just let nature take its course and resolve the problem. Eventually, the screw just fell out of his neck, and the cat was fine. He got his voice back and remains, to this day, a living testament to the amazing resilience of Cats Who Eat Screws.
As the photos show, however, he was left with the problem of fending off my other cat, Tiger, who liked to launch sneak attacks on the sleeping Klopotek.
Unfortunately, Tiger passed away just last week. I hope Kotek doesn't get too stressed out and go snacking on fixtures again. At least now we have a good vet.
---Flatlander fakiegrind
Won't you please take the time to visit Flatlander on Fakiegrind. I'm sure he could use a little comment cheer!
Thank you,
I adore that photo of Tiger leaping on his little buddy. Kotek sounds like quite the cat.
bhakti: Thanks for visiting my "little slice of blog heaven" and thanks for the link!
I should show you pictures of my cats one of these days. They're my boyz.
What the hell? Why are you plugging flatlander? Can't he take care of himself?
& why is your cat named Kotex?
GREEN: I love your blog! Thank you for paying me a visit, too. See you 'round the blogosphere! :)
L.T: You are TOO bad!!! LOL!!! Kotek is Flatlander's cat!! That's why I'm plugging him! BTW, please email me...I need to tell you something!!! Please, no joke. (Yes, I've asked you to email me many times before!!!! *wink*)
ROBOSHRUBBERY: Lest you forget the 8 screws I have lodged in my neck!!!
I don't think any of them are protruding out the sides yet, though. Let me go look in the mirror...
bhakti: Thanks for the compliment. I'm not a flashy guy. I'm all about substance, which I try to reflect with my blog.
And I'm working on a post regarding my boyz, thanks to you.
So stay tuned.
Sorry , Didi ( didi means Sister in hindi ,, hereafter i will refer to u as DIDI ) , My college has opened and i had my time cut into a quarter , But for such nice people , they do deserve my time , and hence im here :D .
speakin about cats , i have a big sad story ( actually it happened to none other than myself ) to tell spanning over 6 cats i think .
u made me cry Bhakthi , actually it had only been a week i forgot abou them ...
Oh, that was U. i was not sure who it was. O.K. setting up my Yahoo address, now.
LOL @ |>t ....Kotex! OMG--sorry. That was funny.
Okay, well I am sorry about the cats. You know how I am with cats-----ACCCHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Those things are nasty dirty creatures... sorry. I had to put that in there.
IT IS sad to lose any pet though. I really feel bad about this cat. I hope that your friend gets some comfort---and I'm sorry for his loss.
All the best.
Kotek looks like a very elegant puss.
Sorry to hear about Tiger :(
How are you?
Power restored.
*processing primary directive: pie!*
Rebotting and Rebooting are two separate things.
MILADYSA: Oops! I accidentally erased one of your comments (because it posted 3 times). I've fixed the Fakie-link. Thanks for the heads-up.
I actually feel pretty good today, thank you!! (I love these kind of days!)
GYROBOCOP: I'm glad that you are a Rebotted/Rebooted Robotic. Very good, Sir. Very good, indeed.
wow. he is amazing! survived a screw logded in his throat?? wow..
bhakti: You can now see my boyz over on my blog! And their story too...
~deb: cats are actually very clean animals. Sorry that they make you sneeze, however. Guess you won't be visiting me anytime soon....;>)
My latest post explained my reason for not blogging much this week. Curse you, Central Hudson!
That story is amazing. Poor little kitty with the screw in it's throat! And poor little Kotek missing his screwed up friend.
Green: Cats are clean in the means that they lick themselves constantly. However, cats are known to be very dirty animals. Not in the sense of 'clean and kept nice', I'm talking about their litter box---their 'fecies' if you will have a chemical that can literally get you sick, and actually prevent a mother from having her child---it's dangerous for pregnant women to have cats in their home. My sister had 4 mischarriages, and when she gave her cat up-------she had two kids. The doctor advised her not to have any cats anywhere in the house.
Also, 'cat scratch fever'. Their nails are so dirty---they can actually kill you! If you ever get infected by a cat scratch---you best go to the ER asap!
Dangerous animals and people don't realize the full scope of it. Also, their dander is another 'dirty' factor.
Bleckkk on cats. Sorry. And gree, I will be visiting your blog regardless if you're into kitties.
All the best!
I just realized that there are more cartoon pictures in this blog than there are 'real people'. Hmmm....I feel so non-animated.
~DEB: "Cat's shall inherit the Earth." John I 56:89 (Note: this passage is readily available in most Bibles. You've got to be really SPECIAL to get a Bible that has this passage from John, my favorite lover of JC.)
~DEB: We are all cartoons, playing our allotted roles on God's great stage.
Now , did i hear anyone speakin about
"CATS " , I'm listening
~deb: my blog you can visit -cats or no. I was talking in person (a bit facetiously) visiting, since cat dander is all over the place here, no matter how hard I try to clean...
So ~deb, are you a dog person? You know those creatures that stink & run around w/their nasty parts exposed & stick their noses where they don't belong?
Whoa! A cat that ate a screw without losing all its hit points. That's one tough cat.
L>T: LOL!! You kill me every time!!! Thank you!
ZOMBIE SLAYA: I've got a couple of screws loose, but none of them have come out via my neck yet!
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