I have been spending most of my downtime in my room. I took this photograph of my room last night. In the left corner is my mini-guitar covered with a strand of blue Christmas lights. On the right is my meditation nook, repleat with photos of my spiritual teachers. I love the light in this room. It's very comforting. In the daytime it's actually a warm vanilla ice-cream color, and very bright!

This is a photograph of the two trees in front of my grandmother's house (she lives next door). I often photograph these trees from my bedroom window.

Last night we had a major ice storm with winds well over 40mph. I call this photograph "Dead Snowman", as the little guy couldn't handle the winds. This photograph was taken through my living room window.
As you know, I am not supposed to type too much; 'Doc says I can 'type in moderation'. However, I feel as though I need to take a break from typing to let my arm heal. I was just absolutely bored to tears today, so I decided I HAD to share these photos with you, or I would absolutely pull all of my hair out!
Thank you for ALL of your warm wishes. I'll post some more photos soon. I can't wait to start blogging again, as I miss you all!
snow, jaibhakti, photography, meditation
Sorry about the coffee....I will get it tomorrow, kay?
Got the labels done for A!
Those are some really beautiful pictures. I love the blue and red lights of your bedroom. Very cool.
If I ever get to open up my bar, I am going to steal your idea of decorating a guitar with Christmas lights.
Happy healing.
I love that first photo - the difference in colored lighting is stunning.
It's amazing how much we can see from just our own little corner of creation.
I'm glad your arm is letting you post a few pics and words, and I hope your cat is keeping you good company.
Kotek K. is pretty happy these days, just so long as I feed him every hour or so. He's a spoiled old kitty!
Ohhhh... I love Sandy's greeting; Happy Healing!
The blue lights and the guitar look amazing.
We shall be popping along to the post office tomorrow to post your 'Get Well Painting' :)
Hope you are feeling much better.
Very nice pictures. Don't type too much...
I just got back from the doctor's office. He's going to do another injection sometime in the near future...'cause the first one didn't do the job (that's typical). So, I we'll see what happens. I love to type, and I love to write, so it's difficult for me to stay away! I also enjoy conversing with all of you via our blogs.
Anyway, we've deduced that typing doesn't cause the arm pain--considering that I am in pain even though I haven't been typing. That's a good thing!!
Thank you SO much for visiting and for making my day very special.
Fred--we've only just 'met', and I think it's totally cool that you visit often and leave such kind remarks! Your students are very lucky to have you as their teacher, for sure!
Speak to ya later!
I'll bet you always see something new in those "out the window" pics, huh?
Glad to have you back - if only for a moment. Hope you are healing nicely, and not in pain.
I'd recommend one of those text-to-speech things, but I got one once, and it kept getting my words wrong. "I disagree" became "IDC three".
Which, incidentally, would be an excellent name for a robot in a future Star Wars movie.
I hope I don't get stung!
KENJU: Yes, I'm in pain...but, somehow, I've just learned to live with it. Getting wonderful messages from people like you certainly helps lift the spirits! Thank you.
Good to see you back.
I finally got a chance to mail the package back to you. Geez, I wish there were more hours in the day.
That color is cool. it would be so relaxing to bask under that light.
the photos are amazing! my fav is the last photo.
Hey , bhakti ,
Sorry i din visit ( or post ) for a few days . i was outta station & its gr8 to be back .
Hey ,
i pray my GODS 4 u LADY ,
Me,a DAMn Go-Behind of Slim shady ,
Wish u , to do better , 4 future ,
And let u be outta u r Torture
Inspired by Eminem's Lose Yourself,
bhakti, did not go get drunk for you, sorry. Got a bug. But, it sounds pretty good on your end.( I have a feeling you'd be cheerful if they cut your leg off, tho) Nice pic.s
ZOMBIE SLAYER: I love my room. I don't have anything hanging on the walls. It's just peaceful. I do have some statues around on the bookshelves, etc., but that's it. It's very minimalistic. And I like it that way. 'Can't wait to receive whatever you sent me in the mail!
SFO: You like the dead snowman, eh?? :)
BOOTCAT: You are the funniest character in the world! Is Eminem all the rage in India??? I do thank you very kindly for your well wishes.
L>T: HHhmmm...I haven't been the nicest person in the world lately. I suppose I just don't write about that on the blog. I was in a lot of pain this past week, and I dare say that my parents (whom I'm living with at the moment) would be the first to say that I'm not all sunshine!! My spirits are usually high, but I can be the crankiest of all crankiness! ;)
Wow, that light in your room looks like aliens came to get you!
I'm glad you're doing okay. Glad to see you back again ...
The pictures were great!
I just realized that the two prominent colors in my room (at night time) are blue and red.
Blue and red make purple,
My favorite color.
I think tonight I shall try to spin around in a circle as fast as I can with my eyes open to see if I can make the colors bleed together to make the most beautiful of beautiful hues of violet. Yes, this shall be my new housebound project!! Wish me luck!!
*loud gum chewing* Did someone say VIOLET!!!!**CHEW...CHEW...CHEW...**
Glad to hear you don't need a hand... literally. As per your querry, I think it's better to be smart and feel no pain. That's what the future holds.
GYROBO: Oh, for real??? I get to remain smart (relatively) and feel NO pain, all at the very same time??? Bless you, my love! Bless YOU!!!!!!!
I praying that the next injection does the trick :)
Medical technology keeps making breakthroughs every couple of years. In the 1960s, heart surgery was brand new and unreliable. Now, thousands of people get heart transplants each day.
Whatever you went through will be solvable with a pill or something by 2040.
Or, Armageddon will destroy civilization. Either way, your surgery will be rendered obsolete.
MILADY: Thank you, deary! :)
GYROBO: I have to wait until 2040!! Do you know how old I'll be in 2040???
Meditation nook?
I guess my corner meditation nook would be the television.
My guess is a lot older than you'll be once Social Security peters out.
Great to see you back up in the blogosphere! Missing you, and hope you are feeling better. Loved the snowman picture! And your room looks so peaceful! Be well soon.
I'm glad you have a nice view as well as such an inviting room in which you heal. Take care of yourself and give yourself the time to get better. blessing.
GYROBO: I'm waiting to hear whether or not I'm getting SS disability benefits. I'm eligible, 'cause I've been paying into SS for the past 20 years. I've had like 10 surgeries since my accident. If that's not enough proof that I'm not faking, well...we'll see!!
LGOE: You are SO sweet. Thanks for your happy wishes and kind words!
SAGE: Thank you. I'll visit your blog later today to see how you made out in New Orleans. ;)
How are you today Bhakti?
Don't ever let them tell you you didn't earn that money! Not like me. I completely refuse to pay even the most basic of taxes.
I don't know if you noticed this, but on closer inspection of the photo of the trees out front of your grandma's place, it appears that you have captured the initial stages on some kind of temporal distortion field.
See the block-like area that appears of lighter hue than the rest of the pic?
I think what you have here may be the first, non-BBC photo of a Dr. Who-style time machine in the early stages of materialization.
You could probably make some bucks selling that to the tabloids!
Good to see you up and about again.
I'm confused. You had both reconstructive shoulder surgery, and cervical spine surgery? Or somebody else had one of these surgeries?
And both were infected?
I'm just trying to follow a long. I'm a little late in the game.
MILADYSA: Much better than yesterday! :)
GYROBO: You could really get into trouble by not paying your taxes, little metal guy!
MARK: Thanks for visiting! :)
CABE: I had reconstructive surgery on my shoulder in 1998. I had a three level fusion in my neck in August 2005. I had a tumor removed from the back of my neck in November 2005 (benign) that got infected.
These days, I've been getting treated for the nerve damage that is causing the burning pain to go down my arm (which was the reason I went to the ER in July, which led the Neurologists to find the three discs that were pushing on my spine. The spinal chord problem was fixed, but the burning pain down my arm wasn't).
I'll keep you posted! :)
CABE: BTW, I was hit by a car in NYC in 1997 which was the cause of much of these health problems.
Well theres the problem...
New York City drivers.
You're thirty somethin'?
CABE: Why the sudden interest in my life? Are you profiling me for the Bush administration, or something?? LOL! Yes, I'm, thirtysixish going on thirtysevenish pretty soonish.
PS I apologize for my alter ego's naive comment on our little metal guy's blog. I sincerely did not mean to offend, although I suppose it was offensive. Please do accept my apologies. thank you
No problem.
I probably wouldn't have responded to peanut if she didn't call me naive anyway. Iraq doesn't really interest me as much as the Supreme Court. I rarely blog about it.
Are you even better today than yesterday Bhakti?
CABE: BTW, by 'naive' I meant young, NOT ignorant. But, I do thank you for accepting my apology.
MILADYSA: Uh, I spent most of yesterday on Percocet, so that may be why I was feeling not so much pain as I might have. We'll see about today! ;)
I haven't been to New York City in six months. I remember... body massages...
GYROBO: That's a great post on NYC! I love it. BTW, was that one of Flatlander's first correspondences with the little metal guy?
FLATLANDER: Actually, you silly goose, the picture of the evergreens in front of my grandmother's house is a collage. That's why the left panel is a different color than the other ones (something went all funky in my little portable printer). :)
You have a daughter, and a grand-daughter? I'm still confused.
Maybe I should stop watching CNN.
CABE: Where are you getting your information from?? The CIA, it sounds like!!
I don't have any kids, so it would be rather impossible for me to have a granddaughter. I do have a mom and a grandMOTHER; perhaps that's where your confusion lies.
Are you just having a field day with me here??
What's CNN?
I don't watch any of that crapola. I just watch the food network. I love cake.
PS Why don't you ever leave comments on my other blog, mr. utah??
I don't know...
Busy with school.
I get my information from NSA wiretaps.
Cheney is my God.
Is pot legal there for medical reasons?
CABE: But surely you DO think the posts are funny, no??
NSA wiretaps? Now it all makes sense: your 'god' must have bugged my grandmother's house by mistake, thinking it was my house. My grandmother does have a daughter and a granddaughter. Now it's all becoming crystal clear. ;)
MILADYSA: No. Pot is not legal for medicinal purposes. I have asthma--totally allergic to any kind of smoke whatsoever (as well as allergies to extreme hot and cold air, dogs, and president Bush--JUST KIDDING CABE!!!)--so that would be out of the question for me, anyways.
I can trace Flatlander's incursion into my realm of the blogosphere to the 11th of August 2005. Before that, it was just me, Roboshrub, and destructobob.
That was before the New Order. Now, we've got dozens of visitors, and all it cost us was the soul of destructobob. The Siphoning has zapped all her strength; all she's been able to do in the last six months is tell us that "Arial Sharon's gonna stick you with a shiv."
What transcendental derivative can be deduced from the intonations?!
I don't have a problem with the legalization of any marijuana.
If it happens, I hope it's regulated well.
It would probably be a huge defeat to crime.
Well, it was just a thought...
Hope you are feeling better.
E's painting should be with you next week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Beautiful photos. Hope ya heal up soon.
Enough of the room!! I keep checking and I need an update....
p.s. I've signed us up for a twin episode of "what not to wear"...
That ice storm pic is AMAZING!
At least something good came of your storm. We've had WAY too many ice storms this year! :(
First off, thanks for posting on my blog. I was beginning to wonder if anyone besides a couple people even knew I existed.
I like the idea you have a meditation nook. I would love to learn how to meditate. I just don't seem to get enough peace and quiet to do so. I guess once you have gotten to the point where you can ignore the noise it isn't so much a problem, but for someone starting off having a 14 year old with endless questions makes it downright impossible to get even 10 minutes peace and quiet.
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