The Photo Shoot!
PPssst!...Kitty....Kitty....wake up!
We have a photo shoot today!
"Oh, come on, Bhakti! Give me five minutes..."

KITTY! Wake up! Come on....I've been waiting all week
to take your picture! Get up and give yourself a bath.
Good Kitty. Make sure you clean both of your paws...
That's a girl....
Now, on the count of three, I want you to
smile pretty for the camera, okay?
Good. Now, let's see some cute poses...
Oh, this is too cute; a cacophony of paws!
All right, now for a close up...
This is purrrfect!
CAT FANCY is just going to eat these up!!
We'll be rich!!
You're not....falling asleep, are you??
We're not done with the photo shoot!
We want the COVER of CAT FANCY!!
Come on!
Wake up!
Oh well, sweet dreams my little one.
Sweet dreams!
tags:jaibhakti, photography, humor, cats
Wonderful post! Made my day :)
I have just read the post below - are you having more surgery today?
Oh, I'm so glad! I put this together on Wednesday so I would have something cool to post after my anesthesia wore off!! :)
MILADYSA: I had another minor surgery yesterday--same as the last one: a nerve root steroid injection. I was put out for it, and felt no pain. Actually, yesterday I was flying from the anesthesia. Today I am going to sleep, sleep, and then if I wake up, I'm going back to sleep!! :)
I feel like a broken record with all of these procedures I'm having, but it takes what it takes to get better, I suppose. I can't wait to get back to teaching!!!! I want to be healthy again!!!! It's been six months since my spinal surgery. I suppose I still need to be patient. At least I'm able to read books again (I couldn't read books for the longest time after my spinal surgery because I couldn't hold the books and I then when I could hold the books, my attention span, for some reason, was zilch).
Anyway, I'm going to crash right now! Thanks again for all of your concern. I appreciate it. I do. :)
How many years is it going to take you to recover from all this illness and sugeries?!
Ach Bhakti it is a pain in more ways than one isn't it?! I got so fed up with it all and I have not been through nearly a 1/10th of what you are going through.
Keep your chin up lass!
Love SAx
GYROBO: Well, the problem is that I originally went to the ER in July with the burning sensation KILLING my left arm. The doc realized that the discs were pushing on my spine so hard that I could have been paralyzed, so he had to do the triple fusion first. Now, we are trying to get rid of the burning pain down my left arm.
I hope it doesn't take much longer.
This is really trying my patience.
No social life, no guitar, no drums, no teaching. Sucks.
HANUMAN: Thank you!
OMG! I hate cats---and you just made me fall in love with this one! This was such a great and entertaining piece! I loved it!
How cute is that cat?
Now get that fleebag off your bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(haha) that the other side of me coming out...sorry.
That's one tough life, that poor cat has! ;)
We have three cats. I'll show them this post. They'll probably hiss.
More surgery? Yuck. Hang in there!
Recovery is a slow, difficult process. But I think at the end of it all you'll be better than ever. Especially with that cat taking care of you....It seems like they're sleeping all the time, when in reality they are mending tears in the fabric of time and space.
I'm living proof that implants work--heck, soon I'll be a bionic grandma! Of course, Oscar was a sweet sweet man, but he's out of the picture now.
Anyways, take good care of yourself!
*bionic wink*
Very, very sweet!
That's what I like about cats - not a care in the world.
Sorry to learn about your physical problems... I know what extended physical recovery is like. It's tough, but it'll be ok. It always is.
ALTHOUSE: Your article was very interesting! I'm glad that you are finally recovered.
I was hit by a car 8 1/2 years ago and am still having surgeries. I'm hoping that this final spinal surgery will do the trick so I can MAINTAIN some sort of normalcy in my life. It's not too easy restarting my career, and then having to have more work done.
Thanks for your encouragement, though. I appreciate it; especially these days!
Please visit often!! :)
I'm going for another CAT scan today--let's hope it unlocks the mystery behind my the pain in my neck!!
How did the scan go?
Hope you're feeling better! Everything go alright???
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