That Exalted Muffin Man...

The muffin man is seated at the table in the laboratory of the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen...
Reaching for an oversized chrome spoon
he gathers an intimate quantity of dried muffin remnants
and brushing his scapular aside
Proceeds to dump these inside of his shirt...
He turns to us and speaks:
Some people like cupcakes better.
I for one care less for them!
Arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot of a fully charged icing annointment utensil,
He poots forths a quarter-ounce green rosette
(oh ah yukYuk... let’s try that again...!)
He poots forth a quarter-ounce green rosette
Near the summit of a dense but radiant muffin of his own design.
Later he says:
Some people... some people like cupcakes exclusively,
while myself, I say
There is, naught nor ought there be,
nothing so exalted on the face of god’s grey Earth
as that prince of foods... the muffin!
--Frank Zappa "The Muffin Man"
This is now an open thread, so start sewing!
tags: jaibhakti, Frank Zappa, humor, open thread
I think muffins are wonderful. Good with coffee. Good with tea. Even okay with beer in a pinch. Fact, I was plannin' ta mention muffins as part of my vision fer America in my upcomin' State o' the Union speech, but Dick crossed 'em off my draft in red ink and wrote, "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!"
I suppose no one ever in the history of American politics ever referred ta Dick as a muffin man.
He's more like grits.
If we have to go to war against the Muffin Men I would support military action.
DUBYA: I think Dick's name sums it up! I allowed to say that on this site???
You're so funny...I kinda wish I had voted for ya!
CABE: You have contrary beliefs towards everything I love--including muffins!! Even the KISS ARMY (as Dubya proposed using in Iraq) couldn't beat the Muffin Men!
I love Frank Zappa. He inspired me to move to Montana and grow dental floss! Then the bottom fell out of dental floss futures and I lost my shirt! ;-0
Mr.A: YEAH! Another Zappite! I love Frank. He's the bomb-diggity!
Muffins in any form are highly preferable to cupcakes!
Go dubya! (over there in the comments, not the real
I am in disagreement with the Muffin Man. Now for the McMuffin Man...?
KENJU: Yes! (Dubya is quite the character, isn't he?)
STAN: Okay--go eat your cupcakes, then. ;)
Sometimes, when I'm feeling vulnerable, I seek out the protection of a giant, muscular gangsta muffin. That is to say, they go well with a side of entropy.
I carbon dated a muffin once, but she was too old for me, so we broke it off.
Ha ha, but seriously folks, this open thread has been great. I love ya, love ya all. Take care now, and don't forget to float!
FLATHEADER: You kill me. Everytime. It's you who has the power to 'float' this thread, buddy. Get sewing!
I can't type too much these days. That's why I'm hanging low on the down low.
Make it happen, FAultLandER!
Bring it on!
if you don't want to sew, feel free to knit!
Oh, yes. They float.
And when you're down here with me...
You'll float too!
That is totally the best line from Steven King's "IT".
"Girl you though he was a man, but he was a muffin!"
One of Frank's best loved, and a personal favorite. Puts a smile on my face each time. He POOTS forth...
GYROBO: I read IT during the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of art school. IT was a terrific book: what an incredible story--with rich characters. It's my favorite King book. I'll never forget the clown in the drain... :I
ANTARANANDA: We have SO much in common. That's SO cool, huh?
I, too, LOVE the Muffin Man...He POOTS forth... HAHAHAHA! I love it. I love when he corrects himself and says the whole sentence again...classic Zappa. The guitar solo is one of my favorites, too...
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Muffins have rough edges. The butter hugs each crevice, waiting to drench your taste buds with fat and calories. Mmmm...
(Evidently, accidentally hitting the shift and control buttons posts multiple comments. Sorry...)
FRED: My dear boy, let me teach you a VERY valuable trick (one that I wouldn't know if I wasn't spending my down-time reading CIA Intelligence books and FBI Mole files, etc.). Here goes:
If you make a blunder on someone's blog, you simply hit the DELETE COMMENT button--now listen up--here's the cool part that I just discovered last night--when you get to the screen that says something like Go Back to Blah Blah Blah Post, merely hit the BACK button on your computer tool bar and you will be prompted to DELETE FOREVER? At this point, you click the DELETE FOREVER button, and the blog proprietor, nor the CIA, will have any knowledge of your faux pas (unless the person has email verification thingy turned on).
I call this counterintelligence technique RAISIN BRAN because it keeps me regular.
Good luck! ;)
Hey! You've been tagged. Now you must bear the torch!
GYROBODEREK: Darn it! I've already been tagged in this here game-ola. Here are my answers for your viewing pleasure...
Welley... I-ie diddy my party. Nothingey morey to doey.
Hey, Robot-man--thanks a lot for tagging me.
The only thing that I would change on my list is in the celebrity crush department I would have to replace Helen Mirren with Kate Moenig.
Otherwise, it's all the same.
Nothing new in idaho.
Bhakti: Wow! Thanks for giving me that info. Neat trick!
Is that not a Gibson SG? I like those guitars, but my favorite Gibson is the Les Paul. I know that's what everyone likes too, but for a reason. They're good cars.
Utmost respect for Mr. Zappa for taking on Tipper Gore and making her look like a jackass. I hate Tipper Gore.
Fred: No problemo!
ZS: Yes, that certainly is the Prince of all guitars, the SG. Actually, I've only ever played two SG's in my entire life and neither of them stayed in tune. Excellent sustain, though.
My Les Paul turned twenty-one in January. I can't play it right now...can't play anything right now. I'm thinking of selling it, but it just holds too many cool memories for twenty years of playing!!!
It's a 1986 Studio with custom charcoal gray paint. Plus, I had purple and pink flames painted on well as other rockabilly stuff that I adorned it with!!
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