Writing Contest Entries: YOU Vote For The Winner!

The writing contest is over. Below are the three finalists. After reading each entry, please cast your vote on the official JAIBHAKTI Blogpoll found on the Sidebar (to your right). All winners will receive an ice cream sundae.
Submitted by Kid-B, 7 years old:
October 29...10:00 AM
It is a picture of a person with another person. He is walking with his friend on his side. He is on the beach with water on his feet. I thought this picture was cool. XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO
* * * * :) :) :) * * * *
Submitted by Jenna, 8 years old:
The Sunny Day
Once, there were two boys on a beach on a sunny and foggy day. The beach was in North Carolina. The beach was called Sunset because when the sun sets, it always sets by the beach. There were two boys that always watched the sunset. The boys names were Bob and Bobo. From that day on, the boys did not give up their hope to see the sun set again.
Submitted by Cousin Chrissy:
This is a picture of me stuck in the fog of this blog!!!
As always, I wish you all the best life has to offer, and I sincerely hope you all find the treasure chest of love and joy that resides right within that loving heart of yours.
Although, I do admit, Cousin Chrissy's story was a masterpiece, I thought Jenna's was much more inspiring and spellbinding...who will play the main part?? Tom Cruise and his girl (cant even remember her name) or Ashton Kushner and Paris Hilton??
I think Kid B has issues with himself / herself. Maybe he / she should get a pet.
Hey...watch what you say about Kid-B. He may only be 7 years old, but he plays a mean set of drums, and, more interestingly, just LOVES Gurumayi!
p.s. I thought all of the hugs and kisses were CUTE...that's why he was picked as a finalist. The only reason I picked Cousin Chrissies post-modern manifesto is because she accounts for about 1,100 of the 1,150 hits this site has accrued since its incarnation 6 weeks ago!
I think everyone should pick my story...it is the best!
You better watch your attitude...I know how old you are and I'm willing to tell the entire Internet!
Try is sister and I will email your Aunt D's weight to every email address in the universe!!
Whoa! Girls...calm down. How many times do I have to say that I don't allow CAT FIGHTS on my site??
And Cousin Chrissy...might I remind you that Jenna is only 8 years old...so BE NICE!
And I don't care if you blab my weight around town...I just lost 10 pounds...and if I want to lose more I'll just eat dinner over your house a couple times this week...
Zombie Woofster: Don't forget to maintain a steady blood-sugar while dieting!! WAIT--you don't actually have any blood, do you??
I'd give it to Crissy, because of this line:
From that day on, the boys did not give up their hope to see the sun set again.
I love that line. I hope she never loses that magic in her way of thinking.
Whoops, my bad. That was written by Jenna. I read the "Submitted by" wrong.
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