Separated at Birth?

Kitty Von Kitty.............Peter Criss / KISS
Yes, once again, Kitty Von Kitty has dressed up as my childhood hero, Peter Criss, for Halloween. Were they separated at birth?
Peter Criss photo downloaded from:
Labels: Bhakti Brophy, cats, Jai Bhakti, jaibhakti, KISS, Peter Criss, Separated at Birth
You mean it's not the same 'person' in both pictures???
Definitely :)
Do you know who Zombie man is, or where he originated from, Miladysa??
Wow! Amazing!! Do you ever get mixed up and yell, "Peter, come down for your Friskies??" Its quite a Tom Cruise resembles Lassie.....
Ok, so here's the Ontological argument (i.e. Anselm's "proof" that a god exists):
1: It is possible that God exists
2: It is necessary that God exists
3: God exists
The Ontological argument, folks. One of the most absurd conclusions man could invent, all in the scope of a two-premise argument!
I agree: the lack of what I'll call 'Truth from Experience' renders this hypothesis rather dry.
I want to know why Anselm thinks it's necessary that God exists...what is his experience?
Anyway, the word GOD has so many interpretations, it really comes down to semiotics, don't you think? My version of GOD is the throbbing presence in every single atom; the life force. And then it becomes semantics.
Bottom line, I think it's totally impossible to intellectualize God realization because it is beyond the intellect.
But, the real question is--does, or does not, my cat resemble the original drummer of the band KISS?
Anonymous said: Wow! Amazing!! Do you ever get mixed up and yell, "Peter, come down for your Friskies??"
No I don't. I do, however, burst into a more charged version of BETH when Kitty and I cross paths.
Its quite a Tom Cruise resembles Lassie.....
Please don't mention Tom Cruise on this site. I find his whole situation to be an abhoration. He doesn't believe in taking meds for post-partum depression, yet he believes in impregnating people before he's married.
I shouldn't judge. I'm just in a whacked out, non-Bhakti type of mood today. Everyone is fair game.
I'm just sick of people who intimate that they know it all.
I said it once and I'll say it again: I know nothing. The Truth lies beyond the intellect. Everything else is just mental fodder.
Happy Wishes for a lovely evening.
Congratulations you have been nominated Dweezilzapuh for FBF!!!!!
I don't dislike your blog: as you can see from my blog, all of us are made up of the same fabric. I dislike your hatred of others.
I hope you find some kind of peace in your life; you're never going to find it by hating others. But, you probably won't realize this until you are on your deathbed, looking back on your long life, thinking, "Damn, my hatred didn't hurt anyone but me."
What's wrong with Tom Cruise? He is a great actor...didn't you see The Outsiders??? "do it for Johnny, man"..
Finally!!! You got nominated!! Lets celebrate by eating a potato!!
RE: The Outsiders: Was it Tom Cruise's character that said that?
I thought it was Matt Dillon--yeah, when he was in the hospital.
That's right!
Kitty Von Kitty is much cuter than he is!!!!!
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