I've Solved The Mystery! I've Broken the DaVinci John Doe Code!
Did you ever lay awake in the early morning and just day dream? (If you haven't, then, you know, that's kinda strange.) Well, this morning I was following my thought patterns all over the world and this is what I came up with:
I have done what no scientist/philosopher/or plain 'ole know-it-all has ever done. I've discovered the true identity of 'John Doe'. Call me a Modern Marvel if you want, but that's really not necessary. Here, step by step, is how I broke the code:
(Note to reader: The steps contained below remain the sole copyright of D.L. Bhakti Brophy because I bet the FBI will be willing to pay me a HUGE reward for this information.)

Cash photo downloaded from: http://www.allemaalkunst.nl
I have done what no scientist/philosopher/or plain 'ole know-it-all has ever done. I've discovered the true identity of 'John Doe'. Call me a Modern Marvel if you want, but that's really not necessary. Here, step by step, is how I broke the code:
(Note to reader: The steps contained below remain the sole copyright of D.L. Bhakti Brophy because I bet the FBI will be willing to pay me a HUGE reward for this information.)
- Start with the name 'John Doe'.
- Change the first name 'John' to its common nickname: 'Johnny'.
- Change the last name 'Doe' to its homophone: 'Dough'.
- Now, change the homophone 'Dough' into its synonym: 'Cash'.
Lo and behold, the infamous 'John Doe' is no other than--you guessed it--Johnny Cash! (*applause*- And the crowd goes crazy!-*applause*)

'John Doe' in the early days of his career.
Cash photo downloaded from: http://www.allemaalkunst.nl
Well...FBF stands for 'Fit Bit Friday'. Miladysa has people nominate and then vote for their favorite blogs every week. I won the female crown for last week.
I just think it's an honor to be recognized by Miladysa!
Consider it a compliment, my dear Zombie!
Whow! I love Johnny Cash!
Wow! That all makes sense to me now! You are a genius! Thanks!
You're just figuring that out now?
re: "Zombie Woofster"--I am revelinig in my rekindled love of Frank Zappa music (I dusted off the 40 CDs I acquired during my 20's). Two days ago, I was listening to You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore and, yes, my memory didn't betray me--Zappa does have a song title "Zombie Woof".
So, Miladysa bestows the tiaras...I bequeeth thee with the moniker The Zombie Woofster!!
Zombie Woofster: I feel so terrible that you are decomposing!
I couldn't just sit here and do nothing, so I've researched your cause a bit. I found an interesting article regarding The Rossum (Food) Plan for Zombies; perhaps you're not aware of the changes to the Zombie food pyramid!
Read on:
"The Rossum Plan challenges the traditional zombie food pyramid, which consists of five to seven daily servings of human hearts, three to four servings of livers or eyeballs, and two servings of brains. Instead, Rossum advocates a four-level pyramid, with all four levels consisting of as many servings of brains as possible."
You can read the entire article at:
Feel better, and please DON'T FALL APART ON US!
YO--ZOMBIE LAMA-- Here's the last few digits of the aforementioned ONION link:
Well, at least brain is low in trans-fat. Too bad it's not as tasty as these chocolate macaroons I'm eating. mmm... trans-fat!
BTW, if you're wondering why nobody else had figured out the Johnny Cash = John Doe enigma, it's because the name fits him; he blends right in with the rest of the old crooners nobody listens to anymore.
Although I'm glad he fell into that burning ring of fire, I feel it's a shame he came out the other side.
Zombie Woofster: I imagine it's hard to be a zombie...but, you are what you eat, so, take it from me...actually that theory isn't true or else I'd be a walking chocolate bar. However, meditation does help with stress...but...uh...do Zombies subscribe to the quest for Self-realization, or what. I really have no idea. Please clue me in!
Alex I think Miladysa's comment (above) shoots your theory that no one listens to the man in black anymore straight to the ring of fire you eloquently describe in your heart-felt sentiments.
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