Saturday, November 19, 2005
Recent Ramblings
- A Joke From Jane (my mom)
- Meditation Instructions Just For You!
- Meditation Master Sally Kempton Takes On The Big A...
- The Beauty Queen Just Ain't Too Happy These Days...
- The Envelope, Please...
- I Voted!...and Why I'm Eating a Bagel With Olive C...
- Writing Contest Entries: YOU Vote For The Winner!
- I've Solved The Mystery! I've Broken the DaVinci J...
- I'VE FINALLY BEEN TAGGED! (Well, kind-'of)
"Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that; it lights the whole sky. -Hafiz

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"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it's not open." -Frank Zappa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
That looks pretty high-tech!
Does your implant have any extra features, like a built-in cell phone, or voice-activated remote control channel changing?
I hope it's not too sore.
Well, the nurse in my neurosurgeon's office said that I had enough metal in my neck to build a Hyundai. However, I haven't tried to drive my neck yet (can't figure out where to put the key). From the medical bills I've been receiving, I think she'd have been more appropriate to say that there was enough metal in my neck to build a Jaguar. (NOT that I'm harpin' on my doc...I love this guy. He saved me from paralysis!)
As far as any other high-tech, I haven't noticed anything weird. No telephone ringing, or i-pod music going on.
However, I did notice that when I turn my neck to the left or right--even just a hair--I start to hear that bionic woman sound in my ears and a german shepard appears out of nowhere. Then I start to spin in a circle and all of a sudden I have really large breasts and I'm wearing an Olympic swimmer's bathing suit from the '70s. No wait, that's Wonder Woman...
By the way, Flatlander...the SPCA is on your tail (NO pun intended). They've left a warning on the Kitty Von Kitty post.) :(
Don't suppose you ever get stopped by security?
MG-- Actually, I've yet to venture anywhere where I'd get 'detected'. Still rather housebound. However, I was told by my physician that titanium does not set off alarms (which I find rather alarming in and of itself: Can't they make guns out of titanium??).
I will let you know what happens the first time I try to fly.
BTW--I've had so many MRI's in my life...I always wondered what the technician was talking about whenever they asked 'do you have any metal plates in your head'. I suppose now I have to say 'yes...I certainly do!'.
Wow, interesting pics, it looks like you have a long graceful neck. I'm not sure why you have the metal there, but glad it has saved you from paralysis. I can't imagine a titanium gun--it would be expensive.
Look, as I've explained elsewhere, I love cats and have never applied duct-tape to any portion of my feline friend's anatomies. Ever.
But I'll send a picture of Kotek Klopotek and an accomanying story, in case you think he merits Cat of the Month status! :)
Whoa, that's like a combination between the Bionic Woman and Jaibhakti Vader. ;)
I just hope your neck is better. Neck injuries suck. One of my fav football players had a serious neck injury and prematurely ended his career. He could have been one of the best wide receivers ever, so it's really too bad. (Sterling Sharpe of the Packers).
Hope you are feeling well.
Ermm, Aries?
SAGE: I was born with degenerative disc disease, and then I was hit by a car eight years ago. The metal is there because I had a three-level fusion in August.
I'm REALLY glad that titanium is so expensive. I was wondering why terrorists don't just make titanium guns since they get through metal detectors. Thank God they don't!
FLATLANDER-- I suspect it is one of your friend's playing a joke on you, re: SPCA.
Yes, send me the photo...all cats are winners on Jaibhakti!
ZOMBIE SLAYER-- Jaibhakti-Vader!!
Oh yeah, did I tell ya *deep, throaty voice* I am your father!
Yes, neck injuries aren't too cool. But, I am just grateful that I am not paralyzed. That would really bite the big one, as it were.
ROBOSHRUB, INC.: Isn't affected by magnets??? How do you explain the 250 paper clips stuck to my neck???
I've never explored the idea of extending my neck feet straight upwards. I'll have to look into that!
MILADY: Pisces with Aries moon...and, Aries in a couple of my houses. :)
Wow, do you feel the metal at all? Looks "bionic" alright!
STEPHEN-- Yes, as strange as it may sound, I DO feel the metal. Especially when I yawn. Ever get a vitamin stuck in your throat? That's what it feels like; but I'm pretty used to it now.
One thing, for sure, is that I have to take smaller bites when eating.
STILL FIGURING IT OUT: Sorry if they were a bit too much tp look at. Please read my newest post HUMOR: Happiness Is A Warm Gub; that will help you understand why I posted them.
EEEK! I just looked at your X-rays...
Wow! You poor thing (not pity... it's sympathy).
Get better, my dear!
Bionic women indeed.
Oh, I noticed you still have your wisdom teeth. :-)
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