Be well, and enjoy your summer (or winter, depending on which hemisphere you live in ).
1 Today i met a soul,
whose light showered my path
even from the other side of the world
2 Today my love of Self as One
became realized as a love of One
Oneness without boundary3 Today i spoke with a soul,
the voice came rushing
right into my heart
and melted my whole existence
4 Today, a faraway stranger
rekindled my love for the knowledge
that nothing is neither near nor far
here nor there
just is.
5 one heart sang in tune with another.
who said, we are far?
6 The Light of God
raining upon two souls
focusing their vision of Oneness into Reality
7 i know i have been given this blessed touch
to reunite with a close soul, i knew already
long back in some unknown lives.
8 ‘Just about giving up sharing my mysticism
for fear of being deemed MAD
in an outward looking world
9 So, we unfolded our wings of love eternal
embracing to unite the two souls
and looked at the Glorious Light,
the Source from where all souls descend.
10 And the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, and ‘why’ disappeared
into the ether
and all that was left was
Light.© July 18, 2006, Bhakti Brophy and Sadiq Alam
tags: Jaibhakti, mysticism, Inspirations and Creative Thoughs, Bhakti Brophy, Divine Love
Labels: @BhaktiBrophy, @jaibhakti, Bhakti Brophy, inspirations and creative thoughts (Sadiq), Jai Bhakti, jaibhakti, mysticism, poetry, sadiq, spirituality, today I met a soul™