Saturday, February 04, 2006
Recent Ramblings
- That Exalted Muffin Man...
- Om Namah Shivaya
- Jai Bhakti!
- The Photo Shoot!
- Picture Prompt
- C Is For Cookie!
- iN MY rOOM
"Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that; it lights the whole sky. -Hafiz

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"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it's not open." -Frank Zappa

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
How did you come up with that one?
Something is seriously wrong with Blogger. All the comments being left on my blog are getting deleted, or the new comments are wiping out the old ones, or something.
KENJU: It just occurred to me while lying in bed this morning.
GYROBO: I know!! I tried to leave a comment on your blog--actually, I left two of them at 5 o'clock this morning, and neither of them showed up!!
Blogger had some hiccups on my other blog, too. I couldn't publish for most of the day yesterday...and I had MAJOR cut and paste errors going on. My latest post was choppier than William S. Burroughs's NAKED LUNCH!
I'm having issues with blogger too. I don't know if I'm losing comments on my entries, but I know for sure that some I've left on other's are disappearing. Some blogs are very slow to load and I even got an "access forbidden" message on a couple. I hope they fix it soon, it's rather irritating.
Interesting revelation; I'll have to mull it over.
My new post probably won't give anyone any trouble. Let's hope it was just radiation from the aluminum balloons...
MIKE: Don't spend too much time mulling it over...I've no scientific data to back it up--which is why I think it's true. :)
GYROBONICS: I think the government has infiltrated Blogger in a back-handed attempt to close down Google. I don't really think that, but it makes for good entertainment.
If Hoover were alive, I'd blame him for the Blogger troubles. In fact, if Hoover was alive--forget about an X-File--he'd probably have an X-Filing Cabinet on me and my blogging shananigans!! ;)
It think he might be hiding out on Fire Island. What do you think??
The Island is top secret. How did you know about it?!
'tHE iSLAND' is only 'top secret' for those who have something to hide.
There are other ways to tell if someone has something to hide; for example, you could walk up to a perfect stranger and ask her, "Hi. Have you ever read an Ann Bannon novel?" If she knows who Bannon is, chances are she just let a proverbial cat out of a proverbial bag. If you know what I mean.
In other words, any male who knows Fire Island like the back of his hand, probably DOES have a Hoover X-file.
It's all nonsense, so pay me no mind...
My soda is flat
The earth is round?
As someone who aced trigonometry and got Cs in calculus...I can't think in 3D! My corner of the world is rather hilly. ;)
I've had new comments appearing between my old comments. I couldn't access blogger AT ALL last night!
Words to ponder....
And the blog universe has spots. :(
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