In other news, I just wanted to let you know that I've been crazy busy with doctor appointments up the wazoo! That's why I haven't been in touch lately. I switched doctors, and it appears to me that my new pain management doctor has me on the right track. Less meds, more meditation and acupuncture. We'll see what happens. I'm still in pain, but at least I have a better frame of mind and my new doctor gives me more hope. Chronic pain is a very weird experience; especially for someone like me who so easily find beauty in everything. I think I've met my match. How to find beauty in chronic pain? Recognizing chronic pain as just another manifestation of the great one, I suppose.
Thank GOD I have an incredible family, and great friends!
In some other news, I had to hand in my letter of resignation to the Board of Education that I worked for (I was on medical leave all year). It looks like I won't be able to go back in the beginning of the next school year, either. Oh well. I know something great is going to come out of all of this. I just have too much grace in my life for it not to be so!
In honor of my resignation--which I'll admit, did depress me for a couple of weeks. I mean, I LOVE teaching!!!--please say a prayer for me. If you're not into praying, then simply eat some chocolate in my honor.
In honor of the health of my body, I am currently on a no wheat, no dairy, no caffeine diet. That means no coffee, no chocolate. Can you believe it? Bhakti is NOT eating chocolate! I really don't miss the chocolate. I miss things like muffins and the occassional ice cream cone. That kind of stuff. Also, I miss knoshing on cookies and other junk food. Oh well, my body will thank me in a little while!!
Okay--I've said enough. Now it's YOUR turn. Please tell me what you 've been up to or at least tell me a good joke!
Much love,
Labels: @BhaktiBrophy, Bhakti Brophy, humor, Jai Bhakti, jaibhakti, medusa, official jaibhakti blog, rant
hey, good that ur changed docs! i mean less meds and more acupunture does sound a lot better than being loaded on prescribed drugs. i hope that u recover 100%!
don't worry abt ur teaching job. when teacher is ready, the stuidents will appear.(i know i changed the saying around!)
while u r recuperating, i am searching for the miscreants who did such a horrible thing to our beautiful Medusa beautiful tree. they are earning their bad karma!
I moved to a new town while you were gone. See, leave for a bit and see what happens.
My prayers are with you!
Hmmm... while you were gone, I went to some AFC (Absolute Fighting Campionship) and fighters were hauled awat three times for injuries. So you aren't the only person in pain, and good luck with the pain treatments!
I will eat a thousand pounds of chocolate a day until the tree regenerates!
I'm sorry to hear that you had to resign from a job that you enjoyed. And giving up chocolate, what a shame (my worst vice is being unable to eat chocolate in moderation). Not too much happening else happening over here.
I have missed you, Bhakti! Glad to know what's going on and happy to see that you are on new meds that seem to be working. I had to go to a new doc this week too, and I am also preparing to change meds. I wonder what side effects they will have??!!
Whomever did that to your tree should PAY! That tree may die because of that damage. That is awful. Someone from our county came through our area recently chopping off tree branches that overhung the road. Their saws (or choppers) were obviously too dull, because they left a lot of unsightly, mangled branches. I have heard that trees handled like that can die from fungus growth. I am mad about it, but I can't find out who is to blame.
If you're not into praying, then simply eat some chocolate in my honor.
Well, I'll include you in my prayers tonight, and eat some Ben & Jerry's choc ice cream as well. How's that?
You want a joke?
Well, there's these two cannibals. They're discussing their likes and dislikes. They don't like divorcees. They say they're bitter. They don't like clowns either. They say they taste funny.
Okay, one more. These two Irish guys are the only survivors of a shipwreck. They're floating in the middle of the ocean in their lifeboat when they see a lamp floating. One of them grabs it and rubs it and a genie pops out.
The genie says "My Masters, I'll grant you one Wish."
"One wish? I thought we get three?"
"Nah, you watch too much t.v."
Well, quickly one of them blurted out "I wish the whole ocean will turn to Guiness!"
"It is done," the genie replied and he disappeared.
"You idiot!," the other guy yelled at his buddy. "Now we have to pee in the boat!"
MIZFIT: BTW, I love your new 'disobey' avatar! Very cute.
I also adore your spin on "When the teacher is ready the students will appear." That's classic! Thank you so much for keeping in touch. ;)
BILL: Let me know when you want to move again and I'll take another break! ;)
TSHSMOM: Thank you!!!!!!!!;)
SALBERT: I actually like watching the 'Ultimate Fighter' series that is on cable these days. I used to do karate and I always enjoyed watching the sparring. Of course, the men and women at my school wore protective gear, but I don't mind seeing the blood in "Ultimate Fighting". I think I like it because it's two men who have gotten in the best shape that they can to battle someone else. No guns, no weapons, just sheer will power and determination. I feel like that is how wars should be fought. Put away the guns and fight with your hands! The one thing that I don't like is that someone gets hurt. Ultimately, the world would be a better place if there were no fighting at all. But, we already know that...
GYROBO: I walk by the tree every still looks exactly the same. The wound hasn't started to heal yet. I wonder if it ever will.
Are you eating 10,000 pounds of milk or dark chocolate daily? (Dark would be much better for your heart, although 10,000 pounds might be pushing it.) ;)
SAGE: I LOVE your new avatar! Did Gyrobo draw it for you?? It looks like the guys from South Park might have drawn it! Do tell! and thanks for visiting and commenting.
KENJU: How are YOU doing?? I will pray for you, too. As always, thank you for your kind words and prayers.
I know who did it to the tree. It's the local energy company; they're still out there every day digging holes in the ground. I was thinking of sending a 'before and after' photograph to town hall.
HANUMAN: Yes, do say a pray to our beloved Hanuman! I still love him so. He is the embodiment of faith, love, and devotion. :)
ZOMBIE SLAYER: I like your spin on the cannibal joke. Very clever!
I love the joke about pissing in the boat!!! I shall have to remember that one!
Nice to see you blogging again.
A real robot can consume an infinite amount of matter in an indefinite amount of time.
I'm sure your students will miss you. I can hardly wait to hear what you'll be doing next.
Have a great week!
You don't want to miss crazy robot Friday!
bhakti ~ I hope you're doing ok... haven't heard from you in a while. Not too into choclate, but praying isn't fattening (yet), so I've been on that. I look forward to your perspective...
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