VOTE For Your Favorite NEW Photo!
Photo 2: "Ode To Magritte"

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Labels: Bhakti Brophy, brophy photography, Jai Bhakti, jaibhakti, official jaibhakti blog
CELEBRATING OUR 13th YEAR ONLINE! - ~ - The ecstatic and humorous meanderings of a grace filled life.
Labels: Bhakti Brophy, brophy photography, Jai Bhakti, jaibhakti, official jaibhakti blog
'how much is kittty on that pillow?
the one with smiling face?'
sing to the tune of 'how much is the doggie on the window...'
Om namah shivaya - evening sun.
that's the ultimate truth for
all forms of nature....
this dance form speaks for grace,control, transparency, determination, will power and hard work....the only path to the Ultimate and Absolute.
ooh...oooh...kitty paws...kitty paws
I like number three, Om namah shivaya - evening sun. It really caught my eye.
MIZFIT: I just saved that picture as my wallpaper! :)
PASSERBY55: Sacchidananda! :)
Om Shiva Om~
GRASSHOPPERBOY: I love my Kitty's paws. They're so CUTE!!!!
BILL: Good choice! Om Shiva Om! Once a day (if it's sunny out) the shadows fall like that against the wall. That particular day, the sunlight was particularly golden, so I had to grab the camera! :)
Very nice pics!
I like the shadow on the Shiva picture. Very Platonic. Kitty Von is always a delight to behold as well.
Definitely #2! I LOVE the way it's framed!
I vote for 3.1415,
no wait, changed my mind
#5, definitely #5
Photo 2: "Ode To Magritte" That one is a tie for Photo 1. I'm a sucker for sunsets! Ok... and kitties too! I'm so confused!
Number 1. I just can't resist a picture full of different colors.
Number 1, the sunset... I love the color of the sky when the sun is rising or setting.
#'s 1,4,5 & 6. I am partial to the cats, but that top photo is a stunner.
pic. 3 :)
Your cat clearly has a lot of personality! Iloved the colors of the sunset you captured! nice blog
it wud have been easier to vote had a couple of pics been poor. well, since all are great, i cannot offend other pics and vote for only one. sorry, i liked all!
"What a smile!" :)
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