Click on the title of this post to watch a video I just created!
People, I'm here to tell you that I am going to the show...even though riding in the car the 10 minutes it takes to get to the doctor upsets the nerves in my neck so much that I have to lie down for a couple of hours when I get home; yes, I am going to be driven 2 1/2 hours down to Atlantic City to spend about four hours before the show with Steve and the band (including the great Dave Weiner. Check out for great guitar info. He's terrific. Full of wisdom and willing to share. That's an enlightened guy. Young, talented, with his ego checked at the door. I love it.)You probably all know by now that I have very cool parents who have always been supportive of every endeavor I've ever endeavored to endeavor. They happen to LOVE Atlantic City. They're not high rollers by any means, they just enjoy the slot machines. My Uncle Bob agreed to let us stay in his condo--which is a mere 10 minutes from Atlantic City--for two nights. That way, we can drive down on Friday--I can sleep all night and ice my neck, arm, and hands. Then, I can sleep in until right before the EVO package events begin--and I'm good to go!
I'm very happy that I decided to 'expect good things'. As a lifelong student of spirituality and meditation, I know that the mind is a very powerful thing and that our thoughts do, in fact, shape our reality. However, there is something extra special about making an intention; or, in my case, stating exactly what I want to happen. Thinking is extremely powerful. We must always be aware of the thoughts that are playing like a broken record in our minds.
I would like to take this opportunity to say that yes, I do remember that life IS good.
As you know, you all bring so much incredible joy to my life. Carmi leaves me these incredibly thoughtful, humbling comments. I am so gracious that my offerings affect you in such an inspirational way, Carmi. I love when you visit. And to the ZombieSlayer--who is an avid music lover, I thank you for visiting often. And to my beloved Gyrobo (little metal guy), you know I am forever grateful for the lovely avatar you have created for me. I am on fire (literally!). And Jinn, I got the virtual chocolate truffles you telepathically sent to me. They tasted fabulous, and even though they were virtual chocolates, I still gained twenty pounds from them. I hate when that happens.
Lest I digress,. I've created a video letter to Steve telling him how incredibly excited I am to be meeting him. I created the video on Monday and Tuesday and have been 100% 'unabled' ever since: i.e.
disabled. Oh well, I know my pain will subside a bit in a few days (as you know, it never fully goes away--thank GOD I learned to meditate at a very young age. If you still don't know how to practice meditation--put that on your list of things to do right after you get back from the record store!) I'd rather be creative for an hour and then spend four days immobilized, rather than succumb to my disabilities and give up and be a blob of a person lying in bed dreaming of being creative again. You know what I mean? This is the hand I've been dealt. My doctors are amazed that I can do anything. But then again, they're not really---because they know me. Nothing can break my spirit (although I must admit that the withdrawal from lowering the Oxycontin by 40 mg almost threw me over the edge. It actually did break my spirit--but, as Adi Shankaracharya says--"Nothing is ever lost". In other words, you can't lose what you've always had in the first place! More on that later.)
For now, won't you please watch the video I created for Master Vai and perhaps leave a comment on Youtube? If you don't have an account with them, it's real easy to create one; and remember I'M WORTH IT!!! :)
Big smile--big hugs,
Warm Regards,
Click Here to watch the video!!!
Labels: Baby Taylor, bhakti, Bhakti Brophy, female guitarist, Frank Zappa, guitar gods, jaibhakti, Open letter to Steve Vai, overcominng pain, spirituality, steve Vai, Taylor Guitars, Youtube