Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Envelope, Please...

And the winner of the first JAIBHAKTI writing contest is....

Jenna received 149 votes
Kid-B received 103 votes
Cousin Chrissy received 72 votes

Personally, I think the voting procedures (by a couple of the parties concerned) were about as suspect as G. Gordon Liddy breaking into the Watergate Building to bug the Democrats (a.k.a. 'Nixon' for all you young folk).

Having said that, I will award the following prizes in good faith:

Jenna is awarded the "Best Beginning, Middle, and Ending in a Fictional Piece of Writing" by the editing staff of JAIBHAKTI. CONGRATULATIONS, JENNA!

Kid-B is awarded the "Best Graphics and Design in a Picture-Prompted Piece of Fiction" by the editing staff of JAIBHAKTI. CONGRATULATIONS, KID-B!

Cousin Chrissy is awarded the "Most Original One-Liner in the History of Picture Prompts" by the cleaning staff of JAIBHAKTI. CONGRATULATIONS, COUSIN CHRISSY!

ALL WINNERS WILL BE RECEIVING YOUR ICE CREAM SUNDAE IN THE MAIL (Please allow 3-5 business days for delivery).

And to everyone who voted once, twice...three hundred times, thank you for your patronage!


  1. Congratulations!

    Hope you are feeling well! :)

  2. Corrupt voting procedures? Who would have thunk it?

  3. Was the voting conducted in Chicago?

    Good job, all three of you kids. Keep writing.

  4. Congratulations Jenny!

    ps. how are you bhakti? How did the surgery goe?

  5. Hi everyone--thank you for your comments and congratulations for our winners!

    I am feeling...uh...I'm not a good lier, so...lots of pain. There, I admitted it. However, my spirits are high, as usual, and I'm looking forward to being 100% very soon! Thank you for inquiring.


  6. Zombieslayer LOL Chrissy ain't no 'kid'. hahahahahahahaha!


    Was it YOU who padded the voting for Jenna????????

  8. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Bhakti- You aint no sprint chicken either!! In fact...7 months older than me!! :-)

  9. What the heck is a sprint chicken???

  10. LOL!!!!

    You kill me every time, Woofster!!

  11. I didn't get around to voting, but I'm glad the good sense of the voting public along with an appropriate amount of ballot box stuffing prevailed to put Jenna over the tops--since she is identified the beach as from North Carolina! God bless her!

    I hope you're recovering.

  12. Hello Sage, and everyone else!

    To answer your question, I am recovering from Tuesday's surgery, however, my wound got infected! :( That's what all of the pain was about!

    So, now I am on antibiotics again...and I trust that I'll be back to normal and ready to start working on my neck therapy in a week or two.

    Thank you all for wishing me well!

    Love, Bhakti

    PS I'm hoping to post my next slice of life, please, stay tuned!

  13. Oh Bhakti sorry to hear about the infection! As you know, my wound is infected too and it is more painful that the op at times! I think the anti biotics were meant for elelphants!

    Hope you are soon feeling better and great news that the Zombie Lama won his FBF Tiara!


  14. oh my gosh, Miladysa--can you believe it? I make it through a triple fusion in my neck with no problems (thank God!), but then a tiny 40 minute procedure gets infected???

    And, you're right--this hurts more than the surgeries did!!!!

    Thank God for chocolate, friends, and the blog or I'd be sunk by now!

    Cheers, and I'm SO glad you are home with Sir Hubby!!!

    xoxoxo-- Bhakti

  15. Hey, I didn't get to vote.

    Ben O.
