Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Beauty Queen Just Ain't Too Happy These Days...


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Poor Kitty....maybe she has PMS and needs some extra kitty treats...

  2. it looks like a cat I use to have--Happy Cat (who wasn't so happy with anyone but me and his first owner). She passed away at 15 yrs old, four years ago, and my daughters breathing problems immediately ceased. So now I have a dog.

  3. Anonymous I don't know...she used to flirt with the camera all of the time; now that she's a 'star' on JAIBHAKTI, she doesn't want anything to do with the camera. She's like (lifts up her paw) "Talk to the PAW!"

    SAGE I have asthma, myself, but Kitty is just SO magical, she doesn't cause breathing problems for me. (She's very short-haired). So, I consider myself lucky because she is SUCH a precious cat. She's the most loving animal I have ever met.

    I rescued Kitty from a pound that was going to put her to sleep. She moved in to my EAst Village apartment with me 9 years ago...and fell in love with Tom (the alley cat--no joke-- who lived behind my apartment). She was heart broken when we left the city for New Jersey. Now all she has is me. She's kinda lucky, too, isn't she? :)

  4. LMAO! Beautiful :)

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    She looks like her mommy when she is cranky!!! Hope you get to see Sally today! :-)

  6. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I know my cat's still mad at me for getting him "fixed." That was about 6 years ago.


  7. Gyrobo Somehow I knew you were going to lead JAIBHAKTI into unknown territory with your comments. I've checked out the site. It's pretty...strange...even by my standards! Where do you find this stuff????

    Alex Yes, there's a huge difference between getting a female cat and a male cat fixed (although I really doubt if he considers himself fixed since the operation. Male cats are just always on the prowl, man, and to take that away from them is's like castrating them! Uh...yeah...that's what it's like!

  8. We'd have a cat if Mrs. Z and I weren't allergic to them. Our dog actually likes cats.

  9. I, too, am allergic to MOST cats. Luckily, my beloved Kitty Von Kitty doesn't shed too much, and she has VERY short hair. She's very clean, too, she's constantly cleaning herself. So, I think that gets rid of a lot of the dander.

    I already told my doctor that if my asthma ever gets worse because of Kitty, that she would have to prescribe stronger meds because I ain't givin' up da cat!

    p.s. Zombie-Slayer...just want you to know that I'm REALLY happy and honored that you like my blog. I love your blog. It's great to know you! (Sorry, I'm just having a Hallmark -card moment!)

  10. lol. this is a cute shot.

  11. Kitty's blushing, and she thanks you for the compliment!
